Tonight, I heard a bunch of sirens beyond the typical living in First Hill next to 10 hospitals sirens, and lacking a scanner I was curious what was going on. I fired up Google and found a nice mashup of real time Seattle 911 Dispatch overlaid on Google Maps. Someone must have convinced the guys to make it easy to parse again. I know there was a flareup where for “security” reasons they turned the whole thing into an image. Anyway, I assume the incident I heard was:

22:26:09 Rescue Heavy 0 - 0 Nb I5 At 45A14 A14 B5 B6 DEP1 E17 E2 E22 E25 L7 L9 M16 M16 M44 R1 SAFT2 STAF10

Which according to the legend, and as best I can tell, they dispatched 2 Aid Units (Basic Life Support), 2 Battalion Chiefs, 4 Engines (water, hose and a pump), 2 Ladders (ladders and a large assortment of tools), 3 Medic Units (Advanced Life Support), 1 Rescue Unit and 3 others which I’m not sure how to interpret (DEP1, SAFT2, STAF10) to a location on I-5. Searching around the Seattle Fire Dept Gallery didn’t reveal much. Anyone know what those other 3 units are? Must have been a pretty nasty accident. Hope everyone comes out safely.