I just realized that Hugo has it’s own deploy mechanism, so I’m trying it out.
Amazon Average Profit Margin Post
I wrote up a quick post on Amazon Average Profit Margin, over at Hivearchive. My goal was to give a quick overview on what a seller can expect especially selling with Amazon FBA. I also explain some of the benefits a seller will get from using Hivearchive. Check it out, thanks.
Launched Genki Garb Store today!
We launched the new Genki Garb E-commerce Store, today. I’m excited to provide life changing clothing for VAD patients. We have shorts, and shirts that are compatible with the top VAD products. Check it out and share with anyone you know who has one of these devices. We are looking for feedback, and keep making our products better over time.
I quit a L6 Job at Meta Just to Finish a Side Project
Nearly everyone in the software industry has an idea or side project that they want to take “all the way”. I had dozens of ideas, and even hacked on a couple projects here and there. But, the constraints of a career always took precedence. Sometimes it was the employer owning any potential IP, completely forbidding moon lighting, or just not having anything left to give after a hard week of work....
Migrated from Hivearchive.com to MattMichie.com
I forget what the original purpose of hivearchive.com was, but it wasn’t for a blog. For a time, I hosted this content there because I liked the name, but recently, I created an actual piece of software there, and therefore have moved everything here. We’ll see how long it takes for the next update! Could be awhile!
relaunched best deck of cards
I have relaunched my extreme specialty site, which links to the best deck of cards I’ve ever used. Down the road, I may add some more brands and decks, but right now it’s a handy bookmark for myself.
using dropbox as git repo
Today I realized that most of the private GitHub repos that I was using were getting zero benefit from hosting on GitHub. Then, I thought it would be simple just to host them directly on Dropbox, which worked great. However, I started thinking through the implications of a partially synced Dropbox or what would happen if there was a conflict and how that could potentially corrupt my repo. With a little research, I found the perfect solution: [Git Remote Dropbox] (https://github....
adding flash ubuntu xenial chrome
Here’s some quick and clear instructions on how to add Adobe Flash to Google Chrome on Ubuntu 16.04.1 Xenial Xerus from the terminal through the command line: $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) partner" $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin Restart Chrome and everything should be happy.
Ditched Blogofile for Hugo
Apparently I only update this blog when I transition from technology to technology. It’s been a good six years. I hadn’t kept up on the blogofile updates, and so I decided to go wholesale into hugo. I’ve tried to keep the URLs about as close as I could get. The site is now also hosted by S3, so it should be pretty stable. For reference, here’s a quick and dirty script I wrote to convert from Blogofile 0....
Ditched Wordpress for Blogofile
I’m finally tired of the Wordpress upgrade treadmill, and the zero-day exploits for poorly written PHP code causing my site to be compromised, and spammers to filling my blog with crap. Since many of my posts have good Google juice, it was important for me to maintain my link structure. For awhile, I toyed with writing my own static site generator. I wanted to be able to edit my posts in Vim, and generate static HTML....