Apparently I only update this blog when I transition from technology to technology. It’s been a good six years. I hadn’t kept up on the blogofile updates, and so I decided to go wholesale into hugo. I’ve tried to keep the URLs about as close as I could get.

The site is now also hosted by S3, so it should be pretty stable.

For reference, here’s a quick and dirty script I wrote to convert from Blogofile 0.6 to Hugo. It’s buggy and will probably delete your hard drive, but I’ll put it out here for future Googling anyway.

I wonder if anyone has a RSS feed poking at this anymore? Leave a comment and say hi!

import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import glob
import html2text
import re
import sys

for file\_name in glob.glob('before/\*'):
 print 'Processing: %s' % file\_name
 html\_file = open(file\_name, 'r')
 lines = html\_file.readlines()

categories = lines[1].strip() categories = ‘[ ’ — ‘, ‘.join([’"%s"’ % i for i in categories.split(’: ‘)[1].split(’, ‘)]) + ’ ]’ print categories

date = lines[2].strip().split(’: ‘)[1] date = dateutil.parser.parse(date).strftime(’%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S-07:00’)

guid = lines[3].strip() permalink = lines[4].strip()

tags = lines[5].strip() tags = ‘[ ’ — ‘, ‘.join([’"%s"’ % i for i in tags.split(’: ‘)[1].split(’, ‘)]) + ’ ]’

title = lines[6].strip().split(’: ‘)[1]

body = lines[8:] body = ‘’.join(body) body = ‘’.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else ’ ’ for i in body]) out_file_name = file_name.split(’. ‘)[1].split(’.’)[0] out_file = open(‘content/’ % out_file_name, ‘w—’)

print » out_file, ‘—’ print » out_file, ’title = “%s”’ % title print » out_file, ‘date = %s’ % date

print » out_file, ‘draft = false’

print » out_file, ‘categories = %s’ % categories print » out_file, ‘—’ print » out_file, ’’ try: print » out_file, html2text.html2text(body) except Exception as e: print ’exception: %s on %s’ % (e, body) sys.exit(1)

html_file.close() out_file.close()